The future of computing is being envisioned by Google Quantum AI and amazing particles.

 The future of computing is being envisioned by Google Quantum AI and amazing particles.

The term "topological computer" refers to one of the various types of quantum computing. This system is quite theoretical and is based on quasiparticles known as anyons non abĂ©liens, which were also theoretical up until this point. 

Researchers from Google Quantum AI explain how they were able to use a quantum supra conductor processor to for the first time study the behavior of non-alien anyons in a piece that was published in the journal Nature.

The future of computing is being envisioned by Google Quantum AI

Non-abelian anyons are used to create logical gates in a topological quantum computer. These quasi-particles have quite unique behavior. Normally, it is impossible to tell that an exchange of two completely identical particles has a place because they are both identical. However, in a two-dimensional system, non-abelian objects are the exception.

The Google Quantum AI researchers were successful in producing these quasi-particles and observing their behavior. The exchange of two particles caused a quantifiable difference in their state. They were also able to see how the non-alien anyons' four-dimensionally traced universe lines twisted around one another to form tresses.

Due to their unique properties, these quasi-particles can be used to create topological qubits, which are the true foundation of quantum computation. This method is more noise-resistant and would enable us to address the issue of quantum décohérence, among other things. These findings complement those released by the Quantuum company last week, which also succeeded in producing and retaining non-Abelian anyons.

Because quantum computers are capable of performing calculations that would take a conventional computer many minutes or even hours to complete, quantum computing is a field of study with enormous potential.

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